The logo for georgia oak partners is green and white.
The logo for georgia oak partners is green and white.

About Us

What Sets Us Apart

A black and white drawing of a clock on a white background.
Local, Legacy-Minded
& Long-Term Focused
A hand is holding a light bulb surrounded by money and gears.

Value-Added Resources

A line drawing of a man holding two clocks and a briefcase.


Our Promise to You

As you are considering a partnership with Georgia Oak, we guarantee the following:

  • During the deal process, we will move with speed and focus. 
  • While crafting our partnership and beyond, we will be committed to transparency and confidentiality. 
  • We will only move forward when we have full alignment with you on a vision of the company's future.
  • Whether or not we move forward, you will be a better informed business owner after getting to know us.

Post-partnership, we guarantee the following:

  • We will be committed to the long-term growth and success of your business.
  • We will treat your people with care and concern, consistently providing them with meaningful opportunities.
  • We will respect your expertise and counsel, with an ongoing, open seat at the table.

Our Reputation

We've never negotiated value after signing an LOI.
We've closed over 90% of the LOIs we've signed.
On average, post-closing net working capital adjustments have been a fraction of 1%.
We've never tapped into an escrow account for post-closing matters.
When a transaction has included a seller note, we've paid it in full.
View our Case Studies for proof.

Our Core Values


We bring our best every day. We move quickly and are relentless in our commitment to deliver exceptional results. We focus on the right things, those that create value and lower risk.


Our individual and collective experience spans a broad spectrum. We bring diverse and complementary skill sets to the table. We believe that the breadth and depth of our team is an essential differentiatior.


We are growth-oriented. We focus on continuous improvement of ourselves, Georgia Oak, and our partner companies. We are curious and committed to being lifelong learners.


We reflect on what it's like to be in others' shoes and incorporate those perspectives into our words and actions. We are thoughtful, respectful, and earn trust.


We are down to earth, positive, and friendly. We are relationship-builders and team players who like to have fun.

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