The logo for georgia oak partners is green and white.
The logo for georgia oak partners is green and white.


Investing in the Southeast

Our local presence allows us to lock arms with founders and owners, providing knowledge for the long term and deep sector expertise.

An icon of a house with a check mark inside of it.

Consumer Services

Our Operating Team has ample management experience ranging from lower middle market to public companies in the Consumer Services industry. Their focus on strategic planning, commercial opportunities, marketing, and brand development has helped lead our partnerships to greater value creation and growth.

A hard hat icon in a green circle on a white background.


Our dedicated Operating Partner for Manufacturing focuses on people, process, and product, and applies the Lean Six Sigma Framework. We translate experiences from large corporate structures and processes to benefit smaller scale organizations, enabling your business to achieve its goals.

A line graph is shown in a green circle on a white background.

Business Services & Human Capital

The Georgia Oak team takes a collaborative approach focused on identifying key growth opportunities and providing the necessary tools to take advantage of them. Working through business strategy, client relationship management, and business process optimization, our team has a track record of success working in the Business Services sector.

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